(201)-222-0915  160 First Street, Hoboken NJ  MON-SAT 11-6 | Sun 12-5

(201)-653-3000 362 Palisades Ave, Jersey City NJ MON-FRI 12-6 I SAT 11-5 I Sun Closed

DigiTech Drop Polyphonic Drop Tune Pitch-Shifter Guitar Effects Pedal

DigiTech Drop Polyphonic Drop Tune Pitch-Shifter Guitar Effects Pedal


The Drop polyphonic drop tune pitch-shifter guitar effects pedal from DigiTech is a revolutionary pedal that provides guitarists an innovative way to drop their tuning without actually adjusting their guitar's tuning pegs. The Drop uses an advanced polyphonic drop tune algorithm to allow players to drop their pitch from one semitone all the way down to a full octave. You can now achieve a lower, chunkier tone instantly at the stomp of a footswitch instead of having to tune down between songs.
