Fender Shields Blender Fuzz Pedal

Fender Shields Blender Fuzz Pedal
Kevin Shields is no stranger to fuzz pedals. Across three albums fronting shoegaze pioneers My Bloody Valentine, Shields’ offset-equipped barrage of buzz-saw tones and enveloping walls of distortion has seen him utilize likely hundreds of different fuzzboxes. One of Kevin’s self-admitted favorite stompboxes is his vintage 1970s Fender Blender, a rather rare octave-fuzz pedal he favors for its raw, noisy vibe and interactive feel. The Fender Shields Blender is an exacting sonic re-creation of Kevin’s personal Fender Blender, upgraded with a new control set and a few welcome modern utility upgrades. At Kevin’s request, the Shields Blender now features double the knobs and double the switches of the original, boasting two distinct channels of fuzz, expanded octave control, an explosive Sag section, and versatile blend features. Plug in your offset, toss in a (reverse) reverb or three, and the Fender Shields Blender will instantly transform your tone into a cacophony of swirling shoegaze soundscapes!