Strymon Flint Tremolo and Reverb Pedal V2

Strymon Flint Tremolo and Reverb Pedal V2
Like many beloved tube amps of yesteryear, Strymon's Flint combines two essential tools into a single high-performing pedal: reverb and tremolo. The V2 version retains all the character of the original with some welcome quality-of-life upgrades under the hood in the form of full MIDI implementation, a JFET input circuit, and a powerful ARM DSP chip. Each effect comes with three unique modes to explore — the tremolo consists of '61 Harmonic Tremolo, '63 Power Tube Tremolo, and '65 Photocell Tremolo options along with period-accurate '60s, '70s, and '80s reverb modes right next door. Both effects can be used on their own or in series to cover a wide range of creative ground, a level of flexibility Sweetwater players thoroughly appreciate when crafting their signature sound. For that vintage amp vibe optimized for today's setups, the Strymon Flint Tremolo and Reverb pedal is a no-brainer.